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Sometimes I Go to the Gym: Remediating A Project

An up and coming form of media, in my opinion, is the curated email newsletter. News corporations, fitness websites, and many large companies have all recently jumped on board.  This is for the simple reason that people are more likely to check their email than, let’s say,  So, instead of the news stories being on, why not have them sent straight to your inbox?


The purpose of this remediation piece is to get fitness advice to college students who don’t have time to look for it themselves, or simply don’t know where to look.  My blog is a great place for people to go when they are searching for fitness advice, but I don’t know how often the average college student goes searching for specific fitness advice. 


So, I’ve created an email newsletter for the week of November 9, 2015, as a template for a thread that would hopefully build a solid readership and give college students the advice they need, once a week, every week.


My blog has the ability to gain traction and increase readership, but I believe that Sometimes I Go to the Gym has much more potential.  Can Sometimes I Go to the Gym be the start of a brand?  What else can become of this?  Can a community form? 


By staying in a reader’s inbox every week, I have the opportunity to build a base of consistent readers—people who won’t read my article once and forget about it, but people who are invested in the newsletter and look forward to it every week. 


I believe that this newsletter can compete with the newsletters from bigger fitness websites, such as Men's Health and, because I am not bogged down by a need for self-promotion and constant advertisements.  I can choose whatever articles I want, from any source, keeping content at a premium.  


So though I’m only one person curating these articles, I think that if I invest enough time and energy into this newsletter, college students could really benefit.  Scroll down to see the final product!

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