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Fitness for the College Student: Repurposing A Project


For my repurposed project, I have created a website that contains articles targeted at college students in order to help them achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Although my articles are blogs in themselves, as I talked with some people in my intended audience of college guys, not many were into blogging or read blogs, so I decided to create a more traditional website instead. 


Here I’ve written credible blog articles in a journalistic style—directed at attracting a younger audience.   Through these articles, I hope to connect with my readers, use my personal life as evidence to support my audience, and do it all in a credible way.




















I think this website communicates my passion for health and fitness, and hopefully demonstrates a skill that’s important in life in general—communicating to others about something that I have a passion for.


My favorite articles are my letter addressed to college students, found under the tab “Dear College Students”, and “Part 2: How to Destress” under the tab “For Staying Strong”.  I hope you enjoy these, as well as the rest of my website!  Scroll down for a sneak preview, and click the link above to access the full website.

In this website, “Fitness for the College Student”, I have written in the genre of “online fitness advice”.   Articles in this genre follow a free-flowing, personal type of writing that I enjoy.  They use first person, make an attempt to relate with the reader, use short sections and bullet points, and aim to educate the reader on fitness topics.


However, getting my articles to be read in this exploding genre is the challenge I’m facing now.  There are thousands of websites that give fitness advice, some more reliable than others.  Regardless, I needed to find a way to make my website stand out.  To do this, I added videos, pictures, interactive elements, and provided easy access to articles from a variety of sources.  However, the only way to gain traction in the webosphere is to be linked to by other articles and websites—something that I have not yet achieved.

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